Katie Warner

Katie Warner

How did the HoW College tutors help you?

My tutor was a really good support who actually understood what I was going through.  At the end you feel like you have grown a connection with the staff at college and they give you the confidence you need to progress onwards.


What did you enjoy most about your course?

Making friends, communicating with people, but most of all finding I wasn’t the only one going through a difficult time. That was a big thing for me, meeting people who were feeling the same as me. Everybody was also so friendly.


Would you recommend HoW College to future students?

I would! It was a lot different to what I thought it was going to be. At first I thought it wasn’t going to help me go anywhere but by the end of the course, the advice my tutor gave me was amazing. I would say to anyone to go on the course, it changes your life.


What advice would you give to students following in your footsteps?

Definitely listen to your tutors. Don’t be afraid to speak up in class and speak to your tutors about any concerns you have.


How has HoW College helped you get to the position you are now?

I had lots of amazing advice and the tools needed to update my CV. There was also the opportunity to join other courses to help with my English, maths and IT skills.