Indya Stephens and Lewis Allen

Heart of Worcestershire College’s (HoW College) Art and Design students, Indya Stephens and Lewis Allen, put their creative skills to the test as they completed their work placement at Elemental Media.
Malvern based company, Elemental Media, is a boutique agency which designs apps, websites and videos. During their work placement Lewis and Indya, produced a short promotional video of Malvern for the company’s website, using photographs and text.
The work placement also gave the students the opportunity to visit the Morgan Motor Company Ltd, giving them an insight into different industries and learning about an organisation that has been running for over 100 years.
Talking about the placement, Kate Hutchings, Work Placement Officer - The Arts, at the College said:
“The experience has been very positive for both Lewis and Indya and has allowed them to learn about different specialisms within the creative sector and the opportunities available to them once they finish their college course. Indya has now decided she’d like to study photography when she goes to university, which is fantastic!”
Reflecting on his work experience, Lewis said:
“I found the work placement at Elemental Media really interesting. It has improved my self-confidence and skills. Moreover, it has opened my eyes to the different routes I can take after I finish my college course; I hope to find an apprenticeship working in photography.”
Fellow student, Indya added:
“It was exciting working at Elemental Media, I would recommend everyone to do a work placement as you learn so much! It was a fantastic opportunity to find out more about the creative sector.”
More and more employers are looking for experience as well as academic credentials. A work placement gives students the opportunity to gain valuable experience spending time working for an employer and carrying out duties or tasks as any other employee of the company would. HoW College has excellent links with local employers and encourages all students to undertake a work placement alongside their study.
Find out more about studying Art and Design courses