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HoW College Students Premier Videos for Age UK!
28 June 2019

Heart of Worcestershire College’s (HoW College) TV and media students, support an amazing cause during their work experience with Age UK Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest (BRWF).
Following the success of last year’s ‘Bromsgrove Men In Sheds – A Closer Look’ campaign the students jumped at the chance to film and edit two short videos to promote the excellent work of the Befriending Service at Age UK BRWF. Both videos successfully premiered at HoW College last week to a selection of people who already benefit from the service.
The videos will be displayed on the organisation's website and social media pages to promote and raise awareness of the service.
The Befriending Service at Age UK BRWF is one of the ways the charity try to combat loneliness in later life. As part of the service volunteers can either visit or call an older person. The service is about developing friendships and breaking down barriers that benefits both parties.
Speaking at the event, Trevor Hughes, Chair of Age UK BRWF’s Board of Trustees said:
"On behalf of Age UK BRWF, I would like to thank and congratulate the students on the amazing films that they have produced.
With the support of these videos, we hope that we can raise awareness and encourage more people to become Befriending Volunteers, so that we can reach more people and help tackle loneliness across North Worcestershire.
I would also like to thank the team at HoW College. As a local charity, it is important to us that we are recognised as a part of the local communities we support – projects like this help to raise intergenerational awareness and promote opportunities to create ‘age friendly communities’ for us all."
Talking about the project, HoW College’s Work Experience and Job Coach, Laura Jones added:
“Work experience is key, especially in the creative industry where more and more employers are looking for experience as well as academic credentials.
The opportunity has been vital to the students learning as it has allowed them to gain key skills and knowledge that will help them after they have finished college.”
To find out more about studying TV and media at HoW College please visit:
For more information about the Befriending Service and how you can support, please contact Age UK BRWF’s Befriending Coordinator, Amy Pople, on 01527 871840.