Where Are They Now: Matthew Jeffreys!

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Where Are They Now: Matthew Jeffreys!

22 February 2024

Sometimes you have to face the challenges and take the plunge to enter a career that you love, and that’s exactly what former Heart of Worcestershire College (HoW College) student, Matthew Jeffreys, did. From being unsure what step to take next to being in a job that he loves, Matthew discusses how studying at college kickstarted his future.

Matthew comes from a homeschooling background and was never quite sure what he wanted to do, in fact when he was little his main goal was to be a pirate. Also on the table was a Police Detective, Pilot or Business Lawyer. But his final decision was to study the Business and Enterprise Level 3 Extended Diploma at HoW College’s Worcester campus.

Taking the plunge into the College environment was a daunting process for Matthew and he understood the challenges that may occur, but not one to shy away from a challenge Matthew jumped right in.

During his time at college, Matthew learned a range of different skills including presentation skills, how to plan an event, personal and business finance and he also learned about the business environment as a whole. As well as this he also gained teamwork skills, an understanding of customer service, time management skills, marketing, sales and product promotion – all skills he stills continues to use in his current role

After college Matthew went into the sales sector, starting with an accountancy practice. After two years  Matthew bid farewell to sales and moved to customer service, another area of business that was covered in his college course.

So, where is Matthew now?

Matthew is now employed at Kimal Plc, a medical equipment company, as a Customer Service Coordinator.

Speaking about his job role and the way college impacted his future, Matthew said:

“I have now been in my new role as Customer Service Coordinator for five months, and I am loving my work, my team, my life. All this would not have been possible without my BTEC course, I loved my time at HoW College and if my journey helps new students to start their adventures there, I would be super happy.”

Matthew’s journey highlights the potential for success in a number of industries, echoing the sentiment that sometimes, plunging into the unknown is the key to unlocking a future filled with passion and purpose.