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‘Watt’ an experience for our ‘current’ Electrical Installation students!
24 March 2022
Our Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Electrical Installation students went on a site visit to Berrows House, Worcester earlier this month.
Berrows House is undergoing redevelopment by Stepnell Construction (SC). SC provided work experience to our students focusing on the electrical installation element of Berrows House.
The visit began with a briefing, this involved talks about the project and the company background. The Assistant Site Manager also spoke to the students about his own experiences and about the construction industry. This was followed by a tour of the site, where students gained further insight on all thing’s construction.
Charlie Allford, a Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Electrical Instillation student, said:
“The visit gave me more of an understanding of the many opportunities for individuals to find what they want to do in the trade industry and I chose the correct path for me to become a sparky/electrician.”
The students will be working on the ongoing project brief provided by SC and will present their project work before the end of the academic year.
For more information and to browse our electrical courses, click here.