New Beginnings Nativity

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New Beginnings Nativity

06 December 2019

A round of ‘Santa-plause’!

Kicking this week off in the festive spirit, New Beginnings Nursery, Bromsgrove, held parties and a Nativity with a visit from good ol’ St Nick.

At the beginning of the week, New Beginnings Nursery held a Nativity in the TV studios at our Bromsgrove campus and it proved a great success, with a few tears from the children (but mostly the parents!)

Talking about the week, Nursery manager, Ky Bowes said:

“A special thank you to Billy and Alex for making this work, Lena, Gail, Emma and Sarah for helping with the doors and extra chairs.

Eden for supplying lovely cakes for everyone after the show, and students Hannah and Connor for recording the Nativity.

And not to forget my wonderful team of nursery staff for their constant great work!”

We are delighted to be able to offer opportunities like this to everyone at HoW College and help create memories for the parents.

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