HoW College ‘STEM-ulate’ insight for local students

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HoW College ‘STEM-ulate’ insight for local students

21 March 2019

As part of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Discovery Week, Heart of Worcestershire College (HoW College) invited 49 Year 10 students from a local school to showcase the opportunities available at the College’s Bromsgrove campus and to provide an insight into STEM subjects.

The event, organised by HoW College’s CRQ Director of Engineering, Construction & Automotive, Nick Hardman, and Partnerships Co-ordinator, Tracey Thomas, gave students from North Bromsgrove High School the opportunity to try their hand at various activities within the automotive, computing, and engineering departments.

There was an encouraging proportion of female students from the school, given that careers in this field have historically been male dominated.

During the visit, the students were split into groups and participated in a number of practical activities. As part of the computing and technology workshop students assembled a circuit on a breadboard and, using a computer program, turned the lights on and off in a traffic light sequence.

Talking about the activities, one student said:

“I liked the programming a traffic light activity as it allowed us to think. I also liked the rocket building because it was a competition. I wish we could have stayed for the whole day”.

Another student added:

“I really enjoyed learning about STEM subjects. The staff were friendly and the activities were enjoyable. I liked the tour of the bikes and cars too.”

The students also spent time in the College’s automotive and engineering workshops where their creative and lateral thinking skills were put to the test. Challenges included building the highest tower as well as constructing a rocket, launchpad and chair, out of various household items.

Commenting on the event, North Bromsgrove High School Teacher said:

“Communication in the planning process was second to none and our students were really well looked after by HoW College. They found the activities engaging, especially the coding. Many wanted to stay longer for more activities!”

Following the success of this event, the College is planning to make it an annual occasion during STEM week along with other events throughout the year to promote these subjects to schools across the county.