Former College Student Wins a BAFTA

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Former College Student Wins a BAFTA

20 March 2019

Former student and current Managing Director of Fix 8 Films, Oliver Walton, wins a BAFTA for Best British Short Film, 73 Cows.

73 Cows is a short documentary about the journey and personal conflict of Jay Wilde, the first farmer in the UK to embark upon transitioning from beef farming to entirely organic plant based farming.

Oliver, who attended the former North East Worcestershire College, now Heart of Worcestershire College (HoW College), initially studied media moving image before progressing onto a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Media Production.

Reflecting about his time at college, Oliver said:

“What I loved about the courses were how relaxed they felt, like any course you get out what you put in. I was always seeking for more, more ways to push the creativity and break the glass ceilings.

I had great tutors who understood where I wanted to go and the goals I wanted to achieve, we had great equipment so everything we learnt was current and not outdated.”

It was during his time at college where Oliver met John Roddy, the College’s Technician for arts and media at the time. John continues to work with Oliver at Fix 8 Films as a Sound Operator and Sound Designer.

Talking about what advice he would give to current students, Oliver offered:

“The best piece of advice is to work hard. You have to put in the work so get the equipment out, learn how light works, how sound affects an image, watch films from all countries, and question what makes an award winning film or a great TV Show.

Use your time at college to network with professionals, reach out to them and don’t be scared. If they say no, then ask another person. I learnt there are a lot of people willing to pass their knowledge on to the next generation. Also speak to the tutors, they have experience in their field and may be able to set you up with something.”

Oliver is now the Managing Director for Fix 8 Films, a full service video production company, based in Worcestershire, specialising in corporate video, animation, film and commercials.

Commenting about what the future holds, Oliver says:

“I would like to grow my company even more and operate in more countries and create more stories for brands.

I would also like to explore more documentaries and get more involved in the film festival circuit. We all want an Oscar and after winning a BAFTA, I can’t believe I’m about to say this but, it doesn’t seen that far of a reach now!