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Apprentice celebrates shortlisting success!
25 May 2022

Celebrations are underway for Crystal Thomspon, a Heart of Worcestershire College (HoW College) apprenticeship learner, working for Worcester Business Improvement District (BID), after she was shortlisted as a finalist for Social Media Apprentice of the Year.
Crystal started her apprenticeship in September with HoW College and Worcester BID and has now been nominated for Social Media Apprentice of the Year at the Worcestershire Social Media Awards.
The Social Media Awards were previously held between 2014-2017 and now they are back for 2022! The awards aim to recognise who is best at using social media to promote their business, charities, public sector and community causes.
When asked about her apprenticeship and how it has benefited her, Crystal commented:
“I am really enjoying my apprenticeship as I have learnt so much about an area that I knew I wanted to go into in a short space of time. It has also equipped me with a breadth of knowledge to do with business practice and Business Improvement Districts which is certainly eye opening and worthwhile. I hope to keep improving the skills that I have learnt whilst being at Worcester BID to become more confident and well-rounded in the role. I really enjoy learning, so I think my key goal is to just keep learning, whether that be a new social media platform that crops up or something within the world of business. I have developed skills in content creation, digital marketing, design, print marketing, copy writing, business engagement and so much more. It is a very rounded and varied role that will ensure you are doing something different every day.”
She also added:
“It was great to hear that I had been shortlisted for the Social Media Apprentice of the year award with #WorcestershireHour. There is a lot of creativity flying around Worcester BID so it is a great place to work as you can play with ideas and comms surrounding these. My initial reaction to finding out about being shortlisted was ‘Fantastic!’, I was pleased as the BID really deserves this recognition as it’s a whole team effort and the socials and media are only one part of that machine that makes Worcester BID work for the businesses it supports, so I see it as a nomination for the team rather than simply myself, so I was also pleased for them.”
This is an incredible achievement, well done Crystal! We want to wish you the best of luck for the awards and for your future!