Life Skills - Pre-entry - Entry 1
Course overview
This course is designed for learners mainly working from pre-entry to entry level 1 who have profound and multiple learning needs and disabilities to enable moving on from a school environment towards preparing for adult life. Students will develop everyday English and Maths skills which are included in the course content. Students on this course often need a high level of support in order to access learning and the college environment and are supported throughout the college day including during breaktimes and on arrival to and departure from college.
Entry requirements
Pre-entry or entry level 1 learners with special educational needs and a Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).
Course Modules
• Engaging in the local community
• Shopping and cooking
• Practical household skills
• Maintaining good health
• Communication skills
• Projects
• Developing Personal Skills (RARPA)
• Expression through Art
• Developing basic digital skills
• Working towards personal targets
• Making Choices
• Sustainability and Green Skills
How will I be assessed?
You will work with your tutor to assess your needs set your own personal targets. You will complete a folder of your work in each subject area, gathering evidence from a variety of innovative assessments methods including computer work, photographic evidence and video.
Your tutor will mark your work and meet with you to give you feedback.
What can I do next
Progression options can include:
• Community Provision
• Social Care
• Supported Living.
If further progression at college has been identified in-year learners can move on to: Life and Independent Living Skills