Skills for Work, entry Level 3 to Level 1
Course overview
This course can develop your confidence for making your own choices and also help meet your learning needs. You will develop a range of personal, social, learning and employment skills that will help you progress to further study or prepare you for work.
Students learn what they will need to do to prepare them for working life and will engage in work experience activities to learn the skills they will need to prepare them to enter the world of work. Students will develop skills in Maths and English and learn essential skills for preparing for adulthood and living independently.
Entry requirements
Entry level 2, 3 and level 1 learners with special educational needs.
Course Modules
- Employability
- English and Maths Functional Skills
- Work Experience
- Personal and Social Development
- Tutorials
How will I be assessed?
You will work with your tutor to assess your needs and set your own personal targets to promote your learning and support progression. You will complete a folder of your work. Your tutor will mark your work and meet with you to give you feedback.
What can I do next
If you achieve a reasonable standard of performance and achievement on this course, you may wish to explore one of the Inclusive Learning Curriculum courses offered at the College e.g. Catering or Care. However, for those who have achieved their Functional Skills Level 1, it may be suitable to consider progression onto a Level 2 course at college.
Progression into work is also encouraged and supported either directly from the Skills for Work course or via the Supported Internships programme.
If you would like to apply for Skills for Work courses you can apply online or complete an application form and send it in to the College. If you need any help please do not hesitate to contact us.
Once your application has been received we will then invite you in for an interview where we can discuss the best options for you and tell you more about what you can expect from the course.
If you wish to visit the college to find out more first you are very welcome to do so.