HND in Computing & Systems Development
Please note there may be additional charges within the course for textbooks, trips, registration and assignment fees.
Course overview
Our full time Computing HND is designed to equip you with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in current and future employment in an ever expanding IT industry. You will establish essential skills in networking, programming, web design and security at Level 4, before choosing specialist option modules at Level 5 to increase your knowledge and skills in cyber security, software development and network management.
Throughout your final year you will also undertake an individual project working within your chosen specialism, whilst employability skills are developed through links with our employment partners. Class sessions will be complemented by independent, self-directed learning using a Virtual Learning Environment.
Full-time study is sixteen hours per week, over two semesters, including tutorial time. It is expected that for every hour spent in the classroom, the equivalent is dedicated to independent, self-directed learning outside contact hours. Units will be taught using a variety of teaching and learning styles: formal taught sessions, directed learning, tutor-led discussion and seminars, practical workshops with students working individually and/ or in groups according to need and learning preference. The delivery of the course may be a combination of online and face-to-face delivery if required.
Entry requirements
72 UCAS points or equivalent and the minimum of GCSE English and Maths grade 4 or higher or equivalent Alternatively, an A-Level pass in an IT related subject or equivalent, T-Level Pass (with a D or E on the core) or above or BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT.
For applicants 21 and over, relevant industrial experience or vendor certification will be taken into account. Learners are expected to be able to demonstrate English language comprehension at a level equivalent to IELTS 5.5 to be able to study BTEC Higher Nationals.
The College has a commitment to widening participation in Higher Education, and will therefore give careful consideration to prior experiential learning, non-traditional qualifications and qualifications obtained outside of the United Kingdom.
Course Modules
Year 1 – Level 4
• Professional Practice
• Programming
• Software Development Lifecycles
• Website Design and Development
• Planning a Successful Project
• Database Design and Development
• Networking
• Security
Year 2 – Level 5 – Customised program featuring a combination from the following units
• Computing Research Project
• Business Process Support
• Application Program Interfaces
• Application Development
• Transport Network Design
• Network Security
• Applied Cryptography in the Cloud
• Client Server Computing Systems
• Emerging Technologies
How will I be assessed?
Units will be assessed using a variety of methods: reports, seminars, presentations,
practical workshops, academic essays, screencasts and portfolios of evidence.
Alternative assessment methods may be used where appropriate.
What can I do next
You can choose to top up your qualification into an full honours degree at university.
Alternatively, this is a recognised qualification to gain work in the computing and IT sector. Possible career pathways may include: hardware, technical or network support and software or web development.