Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship, Level 2
Course overview
Carpentry & Joinery involves carrying out skilled work, primarily using timber products, either on a construction site, or in a workshop, creating and installing building components. This is a core and options apprenticeship, with two pathways:
Site Carpenter will normally work on a building site, or in domestic and commercial premises.
Architectural Joiner will normally be employed in a workshop producing timber-based building components and other architectural products.
Core Occupation duties:
• Identify and confirm carpentry or joinery requirements and components against specification/drawings/CAD/BIM and in accordance with Building Regulations.
• Locate, handle, store, load, transport and position materials and components safely.
• Prepare the site/workshop, power and hand tools appropriate to the project.
• Calculate the most efficient quantity, length and area of resources.
• Use and maintain hand tools, power tools and associated equipment to achieve optimum performance.
• Maintain a clear and tidy workspace and ensure that waste materials are disposed of in accordance with current legislation.
• Carry out quality checks against specification and take remedial action where required or instructed.
Pathways – Must chose one pathway to study.
Pathway 1 – Site Carpentry
Pathway 2 – Architectural Joiner
Entry requirements
Maths & English GCSE Grade 3 or above is required for this apprenticeship.
How will I be assessed?
The End Point Assessment (EPA) can only be triggered after 12 months of starting the apprenticeship and is dependent on when the employer and training provider decide the apprentice is ready. EPA is typically expected to conclude within 3 months. The employer has the final decision to progress the apprentice to EPA. The apprentice and training provider should feel confident the learning outcomes have been achieved.
The EPA consists of three elements, all of which may be completed online. All assessment methods need to be passed. Each assessment method should directly assess the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the Standard. The assessor has the final decision.
Knowledge test 60 Minute:
Exam consisting of 40 multiple choice questions (30 Knowledge & 10 Scenario-based questions)
Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence:
45 Minute interview based around a completed portfolio of evidence throughout the apprenticeship. The apprentice must use their portfolio to support their answers that demonstrate how they have achieved the knowledge, skills and behaviours mapped to this assessment method. All apprentice responses must reference the evidence in their portfolio.
Practical Day Assessments
All Assessments will incorporate the following:
• Interpreting information
• Estimating resource quantities; planning and organising work
• Setting out/marking out as appropriate
• Tool skills
• Fundamental wood working skills
• Independent and effective work, and time management.